Moving in with people you may not know is a daunting prospect for anyone - living with people who come from different backgrounds, have different lifestyles and quirks, can take some getting used to. Even if you choose to house share with existing friends, there is a big difference between hanging out occasionally and actually living together. But living with housemates can be a lot of fun and can lead to lifelong friendships. As with all relationships, house sharing takes some work to make sure everyone feels comfortable. So, follow our tips and put in the required effort to house share harmoniously and start creating happy memories that will live with you forever.

Once again, we bring to you a blog post on new legislation for landlords! As of 1st July 2020, the Electrical Safety Standards in The Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020 will come into force. Whilst many landlords probably already have some sort of electrical safety documentation for their rented property, we now have clear rules in place governing the requirement for these checks, the standard they should meet, and how often they should be updated. This can only be seen as a positive for the industry and the safety of all residential rented properties in England.

After most of us have been stuck in our homes for the last three months staring at the same four walls day in, day out, you may feel it is time for an interior change. However, changing your home décor can be a daunting prospect, especially when it comes to deciding on a colour. Many of us stick to the tried-and-tested neutrals out of fear of making a gaudy mistake. However, adding a splash of colour can be the most cost-effective way of making a space unique and fitting to your personality.


As of 13th May, the Government announced that restrictions in England will be eased for the property sector, meaning people wishing to move, can now do so. Before you rush off to Rightmove to book viewings on all the latest offerings, we should warn you that things are still a far cry away from normality. The safety and wellbeing of all parties involved in a home move must remain the highest priority, and it is important that social distancing rules, public health advice and government guidance are followed to ensure this.  But how does that affect you and your home move?


Millions of us are currently working from home (WFH) due to the COVID-19 situation. For some, this may be the norm, but for many of us this is a brand-new experience, learning how to adapt to this new way of life as we go. A 2018 study found that 65% of its surveyed participants were more productive when WFH, reporting lower levels of stress, fewer distractions and most importantly the allowance of more comfortable clothing! However, being successful in your home environment may be easier said than done. Nailing your home office space is an important step to allow you to excel at WFH, creating an atmosphere that promotes productivity and is free from as many distractions as possible. A little elbow grease, and some creativity is all it takes to carve out a space to work from. We have put together a list of tips and ideas to help you create the perfect environment to prove to your boss that you are awesome at WFH.

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