The search for university accommodation starts early, so getting an understanding of the different types of tenancy that are available and how these may affect you is a good idea. Contracts and their terms and conditions can seem daunting and confusing, especially if it’s your first time living away from home. But we have put together a guide to teach you all you need to know before you take the plunge and sign on the dotted line.


A new year signifies a fresh start, and this year you may be planning to materialise that through a freshen up of your home. The interiors mood of 2023 is based on a sense of serenity, with a dose of fun, and glamour popped in for good measure. Since the pandemic, interior design has focussed on our need to connect back to nature, and the calmness and wellness that it brings, however this has evolved slowly over time to now incorporate a bit of playful positiveness, and regal grandeur we could all use in our lives. Your home is the place you want to feel tranquil and happy, so why should your interiors not mirror that.  Whether you’re planning to sell or let your home, thinking about a full transformation, or just a few minor changes, knowing the trends that will be taking the interior space by storm in 2023, may just help you make up your mind up, or offer you a new style to fall in love with.


 Many will struggle this winter, with the recession, the cost-of-living crisis and rise in energy bills, and it is easy to feel overwhelmed by it all. However, there is lots of support out there, whether you need a help in hand to pay the bills, looking for somewhere to warm up, a donation to put food on the table or would just like to see a friendly face. We have outlined the support that’s available in Bath and the surrounding areas (2022) that will be so integral to so many. So please forward and share this list far and wide to friends, family members, and neighbours who may need support.

With Halloween over for another year, festive feelings are in the air, and with the big day not too far away, I think it’s fair to say that Christmas shopping needs to be started and Christmas cheer needs to be had. So, what perfect way to kill two turkeys with one stone than to visit a local Christmas market. Read on to find details of the festive markets happening in Somerset and the surrounding areas, how many will you be able to visit?

The spookiest season is upon us, and what better way to celebrate than to create an eerie and unnerving feeling in your home. All these Halloween décor ideas are fairly straightforward and shouldn’t break the bank. So, dig out your scissors and glue, stick hocus pocus on the tv, and create a haunting hollow to leave the trick or treaters screaming.

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